Reset Gigaset Maxwell phones

This applies to Maxwell Basic, 2 and 3. Not tested on 4.

On the Gigawiki there is a description about resetting a Gigaset Maxwell phone. This can be done via the menu and webinterface, both actions require the admin password.

For the case that you don't have the admin password another option is pressing the checkmark-button during boot, but I find out that it is not working always.

But there is still another option. First install an tftp client on your PC, you need this later. This can be done via Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off > Check the Tftp client, click OK. Reopen any open Windows Terminal/Command prompts.

Next download the latest firmware (bottom of the page) and unpack the zip file.

Restart the phone via the menu. Directly after clicking Yes press the following keys simultaneously on the phone # * 2. Hold these keys until the display says Firmware upgrade.

After some time the display will show the IP address of the phone.

In your terminal (command prompt) type:

tftp -i PUT name-of-the-firmware-file.bin

Replace with the IP address that is displayed on the phone.

The upload process will take about 3 minutes and won't not display any progress information. After the upload is done the phone will start installing firmware and reboot. Besides the new firmware, the configuration is set back to factory default.

24-06-2022 EN gigaset maxwell factory reset reset tftp
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